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Data Privacy

Every website, app, and service you use creates a valuable trail of personal information, habits, and preferences that makes you vulnerable to malicious actors if it does not remain secure. Rest assured, there are many steps you can — and should — take to secure your personal information and protect your privacy.

Data Privacy Week & Beyond

During Data Privacy Week each January and beyond, we encourage you to learn more about cultivating good data privacy habits, managing your settings, and protecting yourself on social media and online. The resources below will help you review how and where your personal data is collected, stored, and shared, and the important steps you can take to secure it across a variety of personal and professional platforms and applications.

For more information about Data Privacy Week visit the National Cybersecurity Alliance.

Protect your Data

Unsure how much of your data is exposed on a daily basis? The short video below illustrates the trail of data we leave in our day-to-day interactions in the digital world.

Video courtesy of the National Cybersecurity Alliance in partnership with Consumer Reports.

Contact the Information Security and Privacy Office